1. Poznan University of Economics , Department of Product Marketing , Al. Niepodległości 10, 61-875 Poznan , Poland
The aim of the article is to present the results of the comparative analysis of online marketing communication in three national art museums in Poland and the comparable museums in European cities, that could serve as a model for the use of marketing communication on the Internet. Marketing communications on the Internet of selected museums have been compared in three categories: website usability and responsiveness — in this category the cognitive walkthrough method was used; online advertisements — in this category a survey, distributed by email had been used to collect information from people responsible for marketing communication in selected museums and the results of the survey were subject to comparative analysis; social media marketing — in order to determine how selected museums are using social media, a content analysis of museums’ profiles on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube was conducted. The number and type of posts that museums posted during the month (July 1–31, 2019) and the number and type of collected responses were compared using the questionnaire. Based on the conducted analyses, basic problems related to the communication of Polish national museums online have been identified and recommendations for museums have been formulated.
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