RamiroTroitiño David,Ivić Sanja,Hamuľák Ondrej,Fedorova Alla
The European Union is a process, not an organization, started in the 50s by a groups of visioners who thought of a long term project. The idea of the fathers of Europe, as Jean Monnet, was gradually advance in the integration proves in order to achieve such a level that would make impossible another war between National States of Europe. Economic integration has achieved great results and next steps will be social and political in order to attract the loyalty of the citizens to the integration process. Consequently, this research focusses on the necessity of integration, to some extent, the diverse national social policies in the European level, analyzing the necessities and the obstacles. Finally, the research contributes with a deep understanding of the implementation of digital solutions to solve, or avoid, problems integrating social policies within the European Union. Therefore, digitalization and its possibilities to implement a coherent, and minimum cohesive, social policy in the European level. The research introduces a new instrument, still under development, in the debate about the convenience of a Social Europe within the EU.
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