Country-Specific Determinants of Textile Industry Development in Poland: Comparative Analysis of the Years 2007 and 2017


Jabłońska M.1,Stawska J.2,Czechowska D.I.2


1. Department of Finance and Accounting SMEs, Institute of Finance , University of Łódź , 39 Rewolucji 1905 r. St., 90-214 Łódź , Poland

2. Department of Central Banking and Financial Intermediation, Institute of Finance , University of Łódź , 39 Rewolucji 1905 r. St., 90-214 Łódź , Poland


Abstract The textile industry is a significant sector of the Polish economy and is characterized by a strong potential. Its development can be ensured by activities in the areas of finance, technical infrastructure, environmental protection, and demographic conditions. The development of the textile sector is significantly affected by factors such as quality of commune and poviat roads, length of the sewerage network, expenditure on environmental protection, expenditures on innovative activity and on research and development, and costs related to employment and population of working age. The aim of this paper is to determine the attractiveness level of individual Polish regions for the development of the textile sector in relation to five microclimates, which somehow define the most important determinants of the development of this sector of the economy. In order to achieve this aim, the following research methods are used: presentation of statistical data and statistical methods of research. The authors test the research hypothesis that the growth potential of textile industry enterprises is the largest in the most prosperous provinces.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH


General Materials Science

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