Methodological aspects regarding the admission criteria to Physical Education and Sport Faculties for a better insertion on the labor market
Ardelean Viorel Petru1, Galea Ioan2, Dulceanu Corina3, Bulzan Claudiu1, Geantă Vlad-Adrian4
1. Lecturer, PhD, “Aurel Vlaicu” University of Arad , Faculty of Physical Education and Sport , Romania 2. Professor, PhD, “Aurel Vlaicu” University of Arad , Faculty of Physical Education and Sport , Romania 3. Associate Professor, PhD, “Aurel Vlaicu” University of Arad , Faculty of Physical Education and Sport , Romania 4. PhD Student, University of Pitesti, Faculty of Science , Physical Education and Informatics , Romania
Introduction: In the context in which physical activity is considered today to be a profession, the profile faculties must seek both, the readaptation of study programs to the requirements of the labor market and the updating of student recruitment policies. This study‘s aim is to analyse AVU‘s PESF admission trials from a bio-motric perspective, in order to improve the admission methodology.
Methods: The study is a longitudinal one, and subjects are applicants from the 2017 and 2018 academic year (N=117, M=25±9.20 years, out of which B=88, F=29). Methodological approach: a statistical analysis of applicants‘ admission trials using the IBM SPSS Statistics 19 (C.I. =95%) programme. Trial results have been equated to grades. Correspondingly, the gathered data has been compared to: 11th and 12th grade curricular areas, with data included in Faculty of Physical Education and Sport‘s Report (University of Bucharest) regarding the bio-motric potential of Romanian students (2015) as well as with admission methodology related data from other faculties.
Results: The gathered results – grouped per trial type- are: speed Ms= 7.3±2.47, standing jump Msj=6.6±2.46, push up Mpu= 9.86±0.73, football Mf=8.18±1.71, handball Mh= 6.83±2.82, basketball Mb=6.56±4.24, volleyball Mv=8.87±0.97, gymnastics Mg=7.83±1.94.
Conclusions: AVU‘s FEFS admission policy requires better suited trials in relation to the bio-motric potential (qualities and motor skills) of today‘s graduates. Also, FEFS‘ educational offer (meaning study programmes, study subjects, curricular content) must be able to better cover work force dynamics and labour market requirements.
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