Pathoanatomical findings of a green turtle (Chelonia mydas) victim of collision with a motorboat


De Oliveira Radan Elvis Matias123,Attademo Fernanda Loffler Niemeyer23,Freire Augusto Carlos Da Bôaviagem23,De Lorena Pires Juliana Maia23,De Farias Daniel Solon Dias234,Bomfim Aline Da Costa234,De Oliveira Rysónely Maclay235,Gavilan Simone Almeida236,De Lima Silva Flávio José23465,De Oliveira Moacir Franco1


1. Postgraduate Program in Animal Science (PPGCA) , Federal Rural University of the Semi-Arido (UFERSA) , Mossoró, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil

2. Costa Branca Cetaceans Project , University of the State of Rio Grande do Norte (PCCB-UERN), Mossoró , Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil

3. Center for Environmental Studies and Monitoring (CEMAM) , Areia Branca, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil

4. Doctoral Program in Development and Environment (PRODEMA) , Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) , Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil

5. Postgraduate Program in Natural Sciences , University of the State of Rio Grande do Norte (UERN) , Mossoró, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil

6. Postgraduate Program in Structural and Functional Biology , Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) , Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil


Abstract In this paper we report the trauma suffered by a green turtle (Chelonia mydas), caused by a collision with a motorboat, and describe the case ante and post-mortem. An adult female green turtle was rescued alive on December 2, 2016 at Ponta Negra beach, municipality of Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. The rescued animal was sent to the Marine Fauna Rehabilitation Center (PCCB-UERN), municipality of Areia Branca (RN), in Brazil. Physical examination revealed an excellent body score, noisy breathing, moderate dehydration, absence of hind limb and cloacal reflexes when stimulated by pressure, and two traumatic injuries characteristic of a collision with a motorboat. After three days of supportive treatment, the animal died and was immediately sent for necropsy. The animal had a complete fracture of the vertebral bodies (dorsal elements D9 and D10) and spinal cord section. The entire gastrointestinal tract had food content, in addition to sharp injuries in the colon caused by the bone fragments of the fractured carapace. The lungs were congested, hemorrhagic with frothy and bloody secretion, and interstitial bronchiole fibrosis. There was also present some fibrin and a large number of leukocyte cells, consisting mainly of macrophages. The liver was enlarged, with rounded edges and thickening of the capsule, multifocal areas of hepatocellular necrosis, and dissociation of the hepatocyte cords. The collision resulted in the exposure of the coelomic cavity and spinal cord, causing the animal intense pain, paralysis of the hind limbs and cloaca, septicemia, and consequently, death.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH


General Veterinary

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