The Body in Jesus’ Tomb as a Hylemorphic Puzzle: a Response to Jaeger and Sienkiewicz and an Application for Christological Anthropology


Turner James T.1


1. Anderson University


Abstract In a recent paper, Andrew Jaeger and Jeremy Sienkiewicz attempt to provide an answer consistent with Thomistic hylemorphism for the following question: what was the ontological status of Christ’s dead body? Answering this question has christological anthropological import: whatever one says about Christ’s dead body, has implications for what one can say about any human’s dead body. Jaeger and Sienkiewicz answer the question this way: that Jesus’ corpse was prime matter lacking a substantial form; that it was existing form-less matter. I argue that their argument for this answer is unsound. I say, given Thomistic hylemorphism, there was no human body in Jesus’s tomb between his death and resurrection. Once I show their argument to be unsound, I provide a christological anthropological upshot: since there was no human body in Christ’s tomb, there are no human bodies in any tomb.


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Reference23 articles.

1. Adams MM (1992) The Resurrection of the Body According to Three Medieval Aristotelians: Thomas Aquinas, John Dun Scotus, William of Ockham. Philosophical Topics 20(2): 1-33.

2. Aquinas T (1975) Summa Contra Gentiles, volume 4, translated by O’Neil CJ. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press.

3. Aquinas T (1981a) Summa Theologica, volume 1, translated by the Fathers of the English Dominican Province. Notre Dame, IN: Ave Maria Press.

4. Aquinas T (1981b) Summa Theologica, volume 4, translated by the Fathers of the English Dominican Province. Notre Dame, IN: Ave Maria Press.

5. Aquinas T (1981c) Summa Theologica, volume 5, translated by the Fathers of the English Dominican Province. Notre Dame, IN: Ave Maria Press.







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