Analysis of Methods Used to Eliminate the Propeller Slipstream Effect in Single-Engine Aircraft


Popowski Stanisław1,Dąbrowski Witold1


1. Center of Space Technologies, Avionics Division , Institute of Aviation , al. Krakowska 110/114, 02-256 Warsaw , Poland


Abstract Propeller-driven single-engine aircraft are affected by unsymmetrical flow of air around the fuse-lage, and especially around the vertical stabilizer [1-3]. This unsymmetrical, propeller-induced slip-stream produces sideslip [4,5] that needs to be compensated by the pilot using the rudder [6]. In order to relieve the pilot from this additional task, automatic rudder deflection systems are used that compensate for sideslip by trimming the rudder accordingly. Such compensation algorithms are based on flight parameter measurements. This paper presents more complex systems used to eliminate the phenomenon in question. In addition, it analyzes the existing solutions, based on patents divided into two groups. The first group deals with active slipstream effect compensation solutions, based on aircraft movement parameters that are derived from aircraft performance characteristics defined in advance. The other group comprises solutions that are based directly on feedback containing actual or estimated sideslip angle values. The most advanced systems rely on a combination of the two methods described above.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH

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