1. Department of Investment and Real Estate Faculty of Management , Poznań University of Economics and Business
The article aims at analyzing the possibility of including developers (private companies focused on profits) into the process of revitalizing tenement houses located in the center of Poznan. The consideration is located in the capital city of Wielkopolska and takes into account the analysis of both the local housing real estate market and developers’ enterprises in the city. The authors, supported by economic calculation and a case study, have researched the case of a free-market developer’s project of revitalizing a well-located, yet run-down tenement house, and, on the contrary, the case of a developer taking over a property being a municipal resource. Having researched the market in order to set the parameters of further research works, both scenarios where evaluated when it comes to their economic, social and spatial results.
The main purpose of the article was to analyze possibilities and to point out the determinant factors of using the economic potential of developers in the process of revitalizing housing resources located in downtown areas. The work is to contribute to the discussion on making the actions of public administration more flexible when it comes to cooperation with private investors. By outlining the research concept, the authors aim to set the basis for further and deeper analysis. The paper is to test the scientific community when it comes to the appropriateness of the diagnosis and the direction of potential research.
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