1. Aulén, G. 1988. Ecology and distribution history of the White-backed Woodpecker Dendrocopos leucotos in Sweden. – Report No 14. Department of Wildlife Ecology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala
2. Aulén, G. & Carlson, A. 1990. Demography of a declining White-backed Woodpecker population. – In: Carlson, A. & Aulén, G. (eds.) Conservation and Management of Woodpecker Populations. – Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Wildlife Ecology, Report 17. Uppsala, Sweden
3. Bernoni, M. 1995. Densita della popolazione di Picchio dorsobianco Picoides leucotos lilfordi nel Parco Nazionale d’Abruzzo [Population density of White-backed Woodpecker in the Abruzzo National Park]. – Avocetta 19: 130. (in Italian)
4. BirdLife International 2021. Species factsheet: Dendrocopos leucotos. – http://www.birdlife.org on 01/09/2021.
5. Bühler, U. 2021. Vorkommen des Weissrückenspechts Dendrocopos leucotos und Waldnutzung in Nordbünden [Occurrence of White-backed Woodpecker Dendrocopos leucotos and forest use in northern Grisons]. – Ornithologischer Beobachter 118: 58–75. (in German with English Summary)