Evaluation of the Long-Term Exposure to the Magnetic Fields Generated by Overhead Transmission Lines Using Artificial Neural Networks – A Case Study
Alihodžić Ajdin1, Mujezinović Adnan1, Turajlić Emir1, Dedović Maja Muftić1, Dautbašić Nedis1, Turković Irfan1
1. Faculty of Electrical Engineering University of Sarajevo , Bosnia and Herzegovina
The methodology for the evaluation of long-term exposure to the overhead line magnetic field is presented, in this paper. The developed methodology is based on the ambient temperature measurements and phase conductors’ height measurements to find a linear regression model to determine phase conductors’ height changes for different ambient temperatures. Based on the overhead transmission line geometry, and datasets about historical overhead line phase current intensity values and ambient temperatures long-term magnetic field exposure can be determined. For magnetic flux density determination, a method based on artificial neural networks is used. The methodology is applied to the case study of overhead line that connect substations Sarajevo 10 and Sarajevo 20. A period of one year is analyzed and magnetic flux density values are determined. The obtained results indicate that during the analyzed period for significant amounts of time magnetic flux density values surpass the recommended values for long-term exposure.
Walter de Gruyter GmbH
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