1. University of Chemistry and Technology Prague , Prague , Czech Republic
2. Kaunas University of Technology , Kaunas , Lithuania
The study compares the influence of wheat flour replacement by 10 or 20 wt% of quinoa and canahua wholemeals on wheat dough technological quality and rheological properties. The technological quality of wheat flour was affected in terms of protein quality and amylases activity, associated with a high dietary fibre content of both tested non-traditional materials. A farinograph test revealed that quinoa partially increased water absorption; a higher amount of water resulted in the shortened stability of dough consistency during mixing and its weakened cohesiveness at the end of the test. The effect of canahua was unequivocal – water absorption decreased, stability was prolonged properly, but dough softening increased. An extensigraph test confirmed a positive effect of alternative crops on dough elasticity, but in general, the composite dough with 20% of canahua or quinoa showed worsened machinability. Multivariate statistical methods proved a stronger effect when quinoa was analysed solely than when added at complete samples a set, while for canahua-wheat samples the result was opposite.
General Agricultural and Biological Sciences
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