AbstractLet F n denote the free group of rank n and d(G) the minimal number of generators of the finitely generated group G. Suppose that R ↪ F m ↠ G and S ↪ F m ↠ G are presentations of G and let $$\bar R$$ and $$\bar S$$ denote the associated relation modules of G. It is well known that $$\bar R \oplus (\mathbb{Z}G)^{d(G)} \cong \bar S \oplus (\mathbb{Z}G)^{d(G)}$$ even though it is quite possible that . However, to the best of the author’s knowledge no examples have appeared in the literature with the property that . Our purpose here is to exhibit, for each integer k ≥ 1, a group G that has presentations as above such that . Our approach depends on the existence of nonfree stably free modules over certain commutative rings and, in particular, on the existence of certain Hurwitz-Radon systems of matrices with integer entries discovered by Geramita and Pullman. This approach was motivated by results of Adams concerning the number of orthonormal (continuous) vector fields on spheres.