1. Antoce Arina Oana and Namolosanu I., 2009. “The Influence of Terroir on the Chemical Composition of Fetească Neagră Red Wines”, Lucrări ştiinţifice U.Ş.A.M.V.B., Seria B, vol. LIII, 2009, Section Viticulture & Oenology, Congres CD, ISSN 1222- 5312, pp. 521-527.
2. Antoce Arina Oana, Namolosanu Ioan Constantin, 2009. “The Influence of Terroir on the Sensory Profile of Fetească Neagră Red Wines”, Lucrări ştiinţifice U.Ş.A.M.V.B., Seria B, vol. LIII, 2009, Section Viticulture & Oenology, Congres CD, ISSN 1222- 5312, pp. 528-533.
3. Antoce Arina Oana, Namolosanu Ioan Constantin, 2009. “Volatile Profiles of Fetească Neagră Wines from Three Regions Differentiated by the Use of an Electronic Nose”, Lucrări ştiinţifice U.Ş.A.M.V.B., Seria B, vol. LIII, 2009, Section Viticulture & Oenology, Congres CD, ISSN 1222-5312, pp. 534-538.
4. Antoce Arina Oana, Nămoloşanu Ioan Constantin, Cazacu Silvia, Ivaşcu Maria, Dumitru Elena, 2008. Studies and researches regarding the field of organic viticulture at USAMV Bucharest in the SCDVV Pietroasa branch - the foundation of an organic plantation, Volume “115 ani de cercetare, invăţămant şi producţie viti-vinicolă şi pomicolă la Pietroasa şi Istriţa”, Bucharest, , Invel Multuimedia Publishing House, October 30-31, 2008, pp. 127-148 (in Romanian).
5. Antoce Arina Oana, 2006. “Results of the Sensory Analysis of Some Feteasca Neagră wines Performed by Tasters from Abroad”, Lucrări Ştiinţifice XLIX USAMVB, Seria B Horticultură, pp. 405-410, CDROM with ISSN 1222-5312.