1. Department of Civil Engineering, Collage of Engineering , Mustansiriyah University , Baghdad , Iraq .
This study offers test findings from research work conducted to investigate the punching shear behavior of fibrous high strength concrete flat slabs reinforced with Basalt fiber-reinforced polymer (BFRP) bars. Eleven two-way concrete slabs were tested until they failed under central concentrated force. BFRP bars were employed to reinforce ten of the eleven slabs for flexural reinforcement, while steel bars were used to reinforce one slab for comparison. Each slab measured 1000 × 1000 × 70 mm with a 60 × 60 mm steel column at the center of the slab. The flexural-reinforcement type, flexural-reinforcement ratio, and steel fibers content were the test parameters. According to the test findings, raising the BFRP reinforcement ratio improved the slabs’ punching shear capability and load-deflection response. In comparison to slabs with a lower reinforcing ratio, these slabs also showed fewer, narrower cracks. Steel fibers were added, which improved the failure mode from brittle, unexpected failure to ductile failure. The experimental findings are compared to a shear strength equation offered by several concrete design codes, including ACI 440.1R-15, CAN/CSA S806-12, and JSCE.
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2 articles.