1. Faculty of Forest Sciences and Forest Ecology, Department of Forest Genetics and Forest Tree Breeding , University of Göttingen , Büsgenweg 2, 37077 Göttingen , Germany
2. University of Kassel , Mönchebergstraße 19, 34125 Kassel , Germany
3. Center for Integrated Breeding Research , Georg-August University of Göttingen , Göttingen , Germany
4. Laboratory of Forest Genomics, Genome Research and Education Center , Siberian Federal University , 660036 Krasnoyarsk , Russia
5. Laboratory of Population Genetics , N. I. Vavilov Institute of General Genetics, Russian Academy of Sciences , 119333 Moscow , Russia
6. Department of Ecosystem Science and Management , Texas A&M University , 2138 TAMU, College Station, TX 77843-2138, USA
7. Michigan Technological University , School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science , Houghton , MI 49931, United States