Retaining Wall - Parametric Study of the Method of Reinforcement


Koleňák Matúš1,Slávik Ivan2


1. 1 Techkon, s.r.o., Seredská 255A/9173, 917 05 Trnava , Slovakia .

2. 2 Department of Geotechnics, Faculty of Civil Engineering , Slovak University of Technology , Radlinského 11, 810 05 Bratislava , Slovakia .


Abstract The highway section on the D3 highway Hričovské Podhradie – Žilina – Strážov was carried out on the left branch of the highway body on the overpass and on the right branch on the embankment body. The stability of the embankment body was ensured by a geosynthetics reinforced retaining wall. The retaining wall was assembled from reinforced concrete prefabs, on which the uniaxial geogrids were attached. The article presents a numerical analysis of the deformations of this reinforced structure in the profile monitored by geotechnical monitoring. The results of the numerical analysis of the deformations of the retaining wall were confronted with geotechnical monitoring measurements. Geotechnical monitoring measurements confirmed the reality of the numerical model of the retaining wall. Verification of the reality of the numerical model of the retaining wall made it possible to use this model for a parametric study of the influence of the reinforcement method on the deformation of the face of the reinforced retaining wall. In the parametric study, the effects of the change in the horizontal length and vertical spacing of the reinforcement elements, as well as their interaction with the backfill soil on the deformation values of the face of the retaining wall are analyzed.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH

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