Equity in the classroom


Anghel Gabriela Alina1,Vulpenaru Dinu Iuliana Oana2


1. Associate Professor PhD, Departament of educational Science , Valahia University of Targoviste , Romania

2. Student, Valahia University of Targoviște , Romania


Abstract The theme of equity in the classroom is particularly relevant and necessary in the current context of education. The choice of this theme is motivated by several important factors that underline the need for a systematic and rigorous approach in the study of educational equity. Equity in education represents a fundamental pillar for sustainable social and economic development. In a constantly changing society, where ethnic, cultural, and socio-economic diversity is increasingly pronounced, ensuring equitable access to quality education for all students becomes extremely necessary. The study of equity in the classroom allows for the identification and addressing of inequalities that affect the educational success chances of students from different backgrounds. Conducting a dissertation on the theme of equity in the classroom will allow me to develop advanced research skills, critical thinking, and analytical competencies. These skills are essential for my career in the field of education and will enable me to significantly contribute to the development of more equitable educational policies and practices. Additionally, this research will facilitate collaboration with other professionals in the field of education, encouraging the exchange of ideas and experiences.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH

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