The Bits in the Age of Globalization


Corsica Caterina1


1. Università degli Studi della Campania ‘Luigi Vanvitelli’, Caserta , Italy


Summary India’s BIT program is the largest among the developing countries and its integration into the global economy has also increased its exposure to BIT claims. Sev­eral foreign corporations presented ITA notices against various Indian regulatory mea­sures prompting India to suspend all trading of BITs in progress that led to a change in its position in the International investment law regime with repercussions in the International business community eager to participate in its business. These recent developments have then determined the need to review India’s BIT program in a global vision. The paper ‘International Investment Agreements Between India and Others Countries’ (2011), showed the importance of ensuring a balance between investor rights and national policy which India has not been able to make guarantor pushing in differ­ent circumstances to revise their existing BITs and defining new perspectives for future negotiations. The paper reflects on experiences of BITs in a global vision..


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