1. 1 Department of Didactics in Science, Psychology and Pedagogy, Faculty of Natural Sciences , Comenius University in Bratislava , Mlynska dolina, Ilkovicova 6, 842 15 Bratislava , Slovak Republic , phone +4212602 96451
The global pandemic has forced many people to make significant changes in their work, personal lives, and everyday duties and activities. This metamorphosis has also significantly affected education systems. Implemented research activity in the learning process and emphasised the development of children’s cooperation have recently been limited and often unattainable because of learner isolation, prevailing home education, and different countries’ COVID-19 quarantine measures. Herein, we investigated and tested the 2020 European spring preparedness, commitment, and erudition of in-service and pre-service teachers and parents in remote education. We profiled the following three paradigm models of successful remote education; specific experience of in-service and pre-service chemistry teachers and the parents of school-age children. Here, we concentrated on sensitive identification of the most common problems, disadvantages, and risks. Prospective teacher training should concentrate more on remote education. It should help develop teachers’ didactic competencies and increase their motivation and willingness to participate in this mode of education.
Ecology,Education,Environmental Chemistry,Environmental Engineering
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