1. P. von Preiswerk, Helv. Phys. Acta 23, 7 (1950)
2. O. Nathan, S. G. Nilsson, Collective Nuclear Motion and the Unified Model Alpha, Beta-and Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy, Vol. 2, K. Siegbahn (Ed.) (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1965) ch. 10
3. D. Alburger, Collective Nuclear Motion and the Unified Model Alpha, Beta-and Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy, Vol. 2, K. Siegbahn (Ed.) (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1965) ch. 12
4. J.P. Davidson, Collective Models of the Nucleus (Academic Press, New York and London, 1968)
5. J.M. Eisenberg, W. Greiner, Nuclear Theory, Vol. I, Nuclear Models: Collective and Single-Particle Phenomena (North-Holland Publ.Comp., Amsterdam-London, 1970)