1. Adelman, Tzvi Howard. “Self, Other, and Community: Jewish Women’s Autobiography.” NASHIM: A Journal of Jewish Women’s Studies and Gender Issues (2004): 116-127. Print.
2. Antler, Joyce. The Journey Home: Jewish Women and the American Century. New York: Free P, 1997. Print.
3. Antler, Joyce. Introduction. In Our Own Voices: A Guide to Conducting Life History Interviews with American Jewish Women. Ed. Jayne Guberman et al. Brookline, MA: Jewish Women’s Archive. 2005. 7-9. Print.
4. Carlisle, Rodney P. Multicultural America: The European Americans. New York: Facts on File, 2011. Print.
5. Coan, Peter Morton. Toward a Better Life: America’s New Immigrants in their Own Words. From Ellis Island to the Present. Amherst, NY: Prometheus, 2011. Print.