Entrepreneurship Education for a Sustainable Future


Lindner Johannes1


1. The University College of Teacher Education in Vienna , Austria


Abstract Entrepreneurs keep our economy and society vibrant by implementing new ideas, which is why our society needs people with entrepreneurship competences. The development of our entrepreneurship competences does not begin with the start of our professional lives, but is initiated in earlier phases of our socialisation. Entrepreneurship education can trigger and support this process. A common goal of entrepreneurship education is to strengthen entrepreneurs with value orientation for a sustainable society. All entrepreneurs of the future are in school today, the nature of their value-oriented education and their willingness to participate is shaped by today’s learning. This article provides information about entrepreneurship education, with a focus on Entrepreneurial Challenge-Based Learning for a sustainable future. Entrepreneurial Challenge-Based Learning touches on the basic personal and social issues of responsibility and autonomy and is intended to foster a culture of solidarity in our society.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH

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