Peculiarities of the detection and course of the pediatric extrapulmonary tuberculosis taking into account drug resistance


Piskur Zoriana Ivanovna1ORCID,Pylypiv Lesya2ORCID,Shvets Olga3ORCID,Sakhelashvili Manana1ORCID,Kostyk Olga1ORCID,Sakhelashvili-Bil Olga1ORCID


1. The Department of Pulmonology and Phthisiology , Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University , Ukraine

2. Department of Internal Medicine №2 , Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical Universisty , Ukraine

3. Department of Phthisiology and Pulmonology , Kharkiv National Medical University , Ukraine


Abstract Pediatric tuberculosis is a health problem of special significance because it is a marker for current transmission of tuberculosis in society. The research aimed at analyzing the peculiarities of detection and course of pediatric extrapulmonary tuberculosis (EPTB) taking into account the profile of drug resistance. A retrospective study of medical charts of children with EPTB (n = 47; 1st group) and pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) (n = 49; 2nd group) aged 0-15 for 2013-2020 has been conducted. 2 subgroups with EPTB were identified separately: resistant (EPRTB) (n = 23) and sensitive (EPSTB) (n = 24). Results and discussion. The frequency of EPTB was 9.8%. Tuberculosis of peripheral LN (40.5%), CNS (27.7%), bones and joints (23.4%) was significantly more often diagnosed, than other lesions. Almost half of children with EPTB had a miliary distribution. In 44.7% of children with EPTB contact with a patient with tuberculosis was not established. EPRTB was significantly more common among children under 1 and up to 3 years of age than EPSTB. The resistance to combination of HR (73.6%) was found more often than to HRES (10.5%), HRS, H and Z (5.3% each; p<0.01). In 73.9% of children with EPRTB was detected when seeking medical care, in 13.0% the time to diagnosing lasted 6 months. Among children with EPRTB, gradual course was more frequent and in 47.8% intoxication syndrome was dominating. 78.3% of children with EPRTB were not vaccinated. Conclusion. The above indicates the need to intensify preventive measures against tuberculosis among children, especially at risk groups, make monitoring of contacts and their treatment.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH


Pharmacology,Molecular Biology,General Medicine,Biochemistry

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