Guiding Occlusal Delvelopment wih Functional Appliances


Nielsen Ib Leth1


1. 1 Clinical Professor, Department of Growth and Development , University of California , San Francisco CA 94143-0640 U.S.A .


Abstract Orthodontic treatment with functional appliances has been available since the beginning of this century. One of the first known functional appliances, ‘the Monobloc’, was introduced at a conference in Paris in 1926 by Pierre Robin.1 This appliance had been developed at the beginning of the century for the treatment of patients with Pierre Robin syndrome. Patients with this syndrome have extreme retrognathia of the mandible at birth and, as a result, the tongue is so far back in the pharynx that there is a risk of snffocation. Several years later, the same appliance was modified by Pierre Robin himself for the treatment of patients with Class II malocclusions which are in combination with extreme overjet.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH

Reference33 articles.

1. Izard G. “Orthodontie” ed. 3-Masson & Cie, Paris, 1950.

2. Andresen V, Haupl K. Funktions-Kieferorthopadie, Die Grundlagen des Norwegischen Systems, ed. 2, Leipzig, 1942, Hermann Meusser.

3. Andresen V, Haupl K, Petrik L. Funktionskieferorthopedie. Ed. 6. Munich, 1957, JA Barth.

4. Harvold EP. The activator in interceptive orthodontics. The CV Mosby Company Saint Louis, 1974.

5. Ascher F. Praktische Kieferorthopiidie. Urban and Schwarzenberger, Miinchen, 1968.







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