1. 1 “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iași , Faculty of Industrial Design and Business Management , Iași , Romania
2. 2 “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iași , Faculty of Electrical Engineering , Iași , Romania
3. 3 Academy of Romanian Scientist , Bucharest , Romania
In the current medical, social, and technological context, where cardiovascular diseases have a high incidence in mortality statistics, dynamic social life, and rapid technological advancements, computerized systems for monitoring personal health parameters, independent of the medical system, are in great demand. The current research aims to design a prototype of a computerized system for monitoring cardiac activity (ECG and PPG) and improve it through functional optimization using an incremental innovation method based on value engineering applied to the product. This paper presents the stages of physical prototyping, device design based on its primary functions, functional optimization through balancing the cost-effectiveness ratio for each function, selecting device redesign solutions, and implementing them in the final product. The novelty of this research lies in the physical realization of a cardiac activity monitoring prototype and the application of an incremental innovation methodology and device redesign. The research falls within the technical field -through the development of the ECG-PPG prototype - and the economic field -through the application of functional analysis to improve this device.
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