1. 1 “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iași , Faculty of Electrical Engineering , Iași , Romania
This paper introduces novel contributions to the field of hand rehabilitation systems designed for stroke patients. The primary objective is to enhance voluntary movements in the paralyzed upper limbs, with a particular focus on hand functionality. The system, known as MANUTEX, comprises two main components: functional electrical stimulation (FES) implemented through a textile glove with embedded electrodes, connected to a programmable neurostimulator, and a mechatronic exoskeleton resembling a glove, powered by individual linear motors for each finger. These linear motors are controlled by a programmable microcontroller on a central board. MANUTEX delivers mirror therapy, a therapeutic approach requiring a sensory glove attached to the healthy hand. This sensory glove provides reference movements for the hybrid system located on the affected, impaired hand. An application installed on a computer serves as the control interface for the entire system. It reads movement data from the healthy hand and concurrently sends commands to both the FES and mechatronic exoskeleton glove, ensuring a balanced and synchronized therapeutic experience for the patient.