1. Act no. 136/2001 Coll. on Protection of Competition and on Amendment and Supplement of Act of the Slovak National Council no. 347/1990 Zb. on Organisation of Ministries and Other Central Authorities of State Administration of the Slovak Republic as amended, as amended.
2. Act no. 187/2021 Coll. on Protection of Competition and on Amendment and Supplement of certain Acts.
3. Act no. 513/1991 Coll. Commercial Code, as amended.
4. AMO (2013), ‘Sektorové štúdie a analýzy’ [Sectoral studies and analyses], Antimonopoly Office of the Slovak Republic. Retrieved from https://www.antimon.gov.sk/sektorove-studie-a-analyzy/ [accessed 8 Apr 2021]
5. AMO (2014), ‘Act on Protection of Competition,’ Antimonopoly Office of the Slovak Republic. Retrieved from https://www.antimon.gov.sk/act-on-protection-of-competition/ [accessed 31 May 2021]