1. A Declaration of Several of the Churches of Christ and Godly People In and about the Citie of London Concerning the Kingly Interest of Christ and The Present Suffrings of His Cause and Saints in England LONDON (1654). London. Reprinted in Transactions of the Baptist Historical Society 1911-12: 3.3 129-153.
2. Anon. (1648/9) Certain Quaeres Humbly Presented In way of Petition, By many Christian People, dispersed abroad throughout the County of Norfolk and City of Norwich, to the serious and grave Consideration and Debate of His Excellency The Lord General and of the General Councel of War. London: Giles Calvert.
3. Anon. (1656a) The Complaining Testimony of Some… of Sions Children, London.
4. Anon. 1656b) The Prophets Malachy and Isaiah. London.
5. Bell M (2000) Apocalypse How? Baptist Movements during the English Revolution. Macon: Mercer University Press.