1. II Department of Psychiatry and Psychiatric Rehabilitation , Medical University of Lublin , Poland
2. Private Medical Praxix Emilia Potembska
Introduction: The aim of this study was to characterize types of gamers in terms of selected personality traits.
Material and methods: The study involved 576 individuals aged 16 to 19 years. The participants were surveyed using Gough and Heilbrun’s ACL, the Coping with Stress Questionnaire, and the Psychological Inventory of the Aggression Syndrome.
Results: The four types of online gamers identified in the first part of the study reported in this paper differed significantly in the following personality characteristics: self-image, coping styles and aggression types.
1. Individuals severely addicted to Internet gaming, significantly more often than those addicted moderately, mildly or not addicted at all, used escapist and emotional coping strategies and responded with auto-aggression, and physical and displaced aggression. Compared to the respondents not addicted to online gaming, they had a more negative self-esteem and were characterized by greater impulsivity, hostility, and were less responsible and autonomous.
2. Adolescents moderately addicted to gaming, compared to their non-addicted peers, were characterized by greater hostility, impulsivity, proneness to conflict, tendency to humiliate others, and verbal, physical and indirect aggression.
3. Young people with mild online gaming addiction, significantly more often than non-addicted adolescents, used psychoactive drugs, showed self-aggressive behavior and responded with displaced aggression in situations of stress.