1. [1] ASTM (2005): ASTM E 1820-05 Standard Test Method for Measurement of Fracture Toughness. – American Society for Testing and Materials.
2. [2] ASTM (2011): ASTM E1921-11 Standard test method for determining of reference temperature T0 for ferritic steels in the transition range. – American Society for Testing and Materials.
3. [3] BS 5762. Methods for crack opening displacement (COD) testing. – London: British Standards Institute; 1979.
4. [4] BS 7448: Part 1. Fracture mechanics toughness tests: Part 1 – Method for determining of KIc, critical CTOD and critical J values of metallic materials. – London: British Standards Institute; 1991.
5. [5] PN-87/H-4335, Metals – Test method for measurement of the fracture toughness for plane strain conditions.