Health behaviour of Polish nurses


Korulczyk Jan1ORCID,Kuszplak Kamil Szczepan2ORCID,Wysokiński Mariusz2ORCID,Fidecki Wiesław3ORCID


1. Centrum Symulacji Medycznej , Uniwersytet Medyczny w Lublinie , Polska

2. Zakład Podstaw Pielęgniarstwa , Uniwersytet Medyczny w Lublinie , Polska

3. Pracownia Umiejętności Klinicznych , Uniwersytet Medyczny w Lublinie , Polska


Abstract Aim. This study aimed to determine the level of health behaviours and correlations with demographic variables of nurses and nurse practitioners. Material and methods. The research used a diagnostic survey method with a survey technique. The research tool used to collect data was a proprietary sociodemographic data questionnaire and a standardised questionnaire: Health Behaviour Inventory (HBI). Results. Assessing the study group of nurses using the Health Behaviour Inventory, a mean score of 80.44±11.96 was obtained. The area of correct eating habits (mean 3.43±0.63) was rated highest by the respondents. Assessing the respondents using the HBI by subgroups, it was found that the largest group was those with average health behaviours of 44.2% (n=542). The group with the lowest percentage was high level health behaviour 18.1% (n=222). Conclusions. Some of the factors infl uencing health behaviors are consistent with the environment and type of work, and are therefore specifi c to nursing staff . The high level of proper eating habits is also infl uenced by positive civilization changes and higher social awareness of lifestyle, which was not the subject of in-depth research in this study. The low level of health practices is related to the specifi c nature of a nurse’s work in the context of working time and work system.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH

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