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2. 2. The Act on the State Emergency Medical Services of September 8, 2006. Art. 3 point 6 (Journal of Laws No. 191, item 14100 and of 2007 No. 89, item 59025). Regulation of the Minister of Health of February 28, 2017 on the type and scope of preventive, diagnostic, therapeutic and rehabilitation services provided by a nurse or a midwife without a medical order (Journal of Laws of 2016, items 1251, 1579 and 2020).
3. 3. The Act on the Professions of Nurse and Midwife Art. 6 of July 15, 2011.
4. 4. Regulation of the Minister of Health of February 28, 2017 on the type and scope of preventive, diagnostic, therapeutic and rehabilitation services provided by a nurse or a midwife without a medical order.
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