Modern Theoretical and Practical Protection Methods of Metallic Structures Against the Effects of Corrosion
Ionescu Gh.C.1, Ionescu G.L.1, Marin Liana2
1. University of Oradea, Faculty of Construction , Cadastre and Architecture, Department of Constructions , Oradea, Bihor , Romania 2. Linde GmbH , Germany
The problems of corrosion and anti-corrosion protection are currently an important area for preventing economic losses and combating environmental pollution. Corrosion-related problems are present in all economic fields, including machine construction, shipbuilding and port construction, chemistry and petrochemicals, metallurgy, water and gas supply systems, energy production systems, transports, etc. Corrosion is a complex process that depends on many factors, related to the variety of technical metal materials and technological environments. This paper can be considered a mini-review that contains some general theoretical aspects related to the corrosion of metals and some case studies from the specialized literature of the last five years, in the field of various technical and industrial constructions based on metal structures.
Walter de Gruyter GmbH
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