1. “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iaşi , Faculty of Machine Manufacturing and Industrial Management , Iaşi , Romania
Burnishing is a cold processing process that produces a good quality of the surface by the planetary motion of rolls hardened on turned or perforated surfaces. The result is a mirror surface with high wear and corrosion resistance, the surface of the part depends on several factors such as: ductility of the material, tensile strength, roughness of the workpiece surface before rolling, diameter and shape of the rollers ( Burnishing is the most suitable process to improve the fatigue resistance of dynamically requested parts. Because cold rolling does not remove material, then only the surface roughness rolls, influences the obtained roughness. That is why the roughness of the rolls will be equal to the roughness of the part. The cold rolling finishing method does not require the use of special machines, they can be used existing machines in the production sections such as: milling machines, lathes, drilling machines, lathes with numerical control (