Potential For Using Artifical Intelligence In Public Administration


Borissov Borislav1,Hristozov Yanko2


1. University of National and World Economy , Institute for Economics and Politics , Sofia , Bulgaria

2. Finance Department , University of National and World Economy , Sofia , Bulgaria


Abstract Artificial intelligence has become a defining technology for the last decade and possibly the next few. Every day, new and new applications are created based on large language models (LLM), a little hastily called artificial intelligence (AI). This reveals new and new opportunities for their use in various spheres of public life. Public administration, despite its inherent conservatism, is also one such area where AI can be used to enhance its administrative capacity and citizens’ satisfaction with administrative services. The aim of this article is to address the possibilities of using AI in public sector organizations and to reveal the limitations that hinder it. In this sense, the object of the research is the Bulgarian state institutions, and the subject - the application of AI in their work. A study was conducted that shows that the employees in the Bulgarian state administration still do not know the possibilities of AI and how to use it in their work. Abstention is due to both ignorance and lack of regulation about what apps can be used where, as well as fear of possible risks. The report presents the possibilities of using some AI-based applications in the implementation of basic work processes in administrations and justifies the need to introduce strict regulations for this. The author’s hypothesis will defend the claim that the Bulgarian administration does not know well the possibilities of digital transformation and AI, through which their work and efficiency can be improved.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH

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