1. Institute of Environmental Engineering and Biotechnology , University of Opole , ul. kard. B. Kominka 6a, 45-032 Opole , Poland , phone +48 77 401 60 42, fax +48 77 401 60 51
The aim of biomonitoring is assessment of environment condition. Biomonitoring studies with the use of mosses focus mainly on analytes accumulation and determining elements’ concentrations in the study area. It is often forgotten that a bioindicator should be alive during biomonitoring studies (which can be determined by, e.g., analysis of chlorophyll content). The objective of the carried out research was an assessment of the influence of selected heavy metals concentration: Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb accumulated by Pleurozium schreberi mosses during 3-month exposition within active biomonitoring, on their vitality, assessed by an analysis of a and b chlorophyll concentrations. The studies were also carried out in laboratory conditions, where the content of the dyes was determined with the aid of a UV-Vis spectrophotometer, in mosses reacting with solutions of various concentrations of the analysed metals. The content of elements in mosses after exposition and in solutions prior and after sorption were determined with the use of atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) in a flame atomiser. After the carried out studies it was determined that mosses, during 12-week long exposition, accumulated heavy metals, which did not clearly influence the changes in chlorophyll content. The carried out studies prove that heavy metals are not the only and determining factor, which influences chlorophyll content in mosses as well as the bioindicator’s vitality in the conditions of environmental stress.
Environmental Chemistry,Environmental Engineering
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