The Impact of Non-Reimbursable European Funds in Romania on Gross Domestic Product


Munteanu Răzvan-Aurelian1


1. Bucharest University of Economic Studies , Bucharest , Romania


Abstract The paper represents an analysis of the access to non-reimbursable European funds in Romania, at the level of January 2024. The analysis is carried out at the territorial level, in all 41 counties in Romania, to which the Municipality of Bucharest is added. In order to determine the efficiency of the use of these funds, a correlation was made between the level of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), as the main macroeconomic aggregate that measures the level of development and the value of the non-reimbursable European funds accessed by Romania in January 2024. The correlation shows a direct and strong link between the two variables, at each county level.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH

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