Increasing the Efficiency of the Transport of Single Wagon Consignments – A Tool for Sunsaitable Freight Transport


Morihladko Peter1,Dolinayová Anna2


1. 1 Faculty of Operation and Economics of Transport and Communications , University of Žilina , Univerzitná 8215/1, 010 26 Žilina; +421/41 513 3434

2. 2 Faculty of Operation and Economics of Transport and Communications , University of Žilina , Univerzitná 8215/1, 010 26 Žilina; +421/41 513 3434


Abstract The segment of transport of single wagon consignments is specific in comparison with the transport of complete trains in terms of significantly higher technological complexity, which increases the capacity requirements for means of transport, railway infrastructure, consumption of traction energy, employees involved in this transport, and ultimately the cost of transport. In many EU countries, the transport of single wagon loads is supported by the State on the basis of the Community Guidelines on State aid to railway undertakings. This aid may be granted as aid for the use of infrastructure or aid to reduce ancillary costs. This aid is allowed by the EU with a view to achieving sustainable freight transport if it is demonstrated by a study that the transport of single wagon loads has lower ancillary costs than alternative modes of transport. In the long term, there is a need to increase efficiency in this transport segment. One option is to change the technology of the operator. This paper uses a case study to show how a change in technology can reduce the carrier’s cost of transporting single carload shipments and thus increase the overall economic efficiency of this transportation segment.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH


Applied Mathematics,General Mathematics

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