1. 1 Yang, J.E., Kirkham, M.B., Lal, R., Huber, S. (eds.) 2018: Global Soil Proverbs: Cultural Language of the Soil. Catena-Schweizerbart, Stuttgart.
2. 2 Blum, E.H., Schad, P. and Nortcliff, S. 2018: Essentials of Soil Science. Borntraeger Science Publishers, Stuttgart.
3. 3 Blum, E.H. 2018: Role of soils for satisfying global demands as defined by the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). (Lal, R., Horn, R. and Kosaki, T. (eds.) 2018: Soil and Sustainable Development Goals. Catena-Schweizerbart, Stuttgart)
4. 4 Dale, T. and Carter, V.G. 1955: Topsoil and Civilization. University of Oklahoma Press.
5. 5 Montgomery, D.R. 2007: Dirt: The Erosion of Civilization. University of California Press.