1. GPC. 2014. GPC Online. University of Wales Centre for Advanced Welsh & Celtic Studies. Available at http://geiriadur.ac.uk/gpc/gpc.html
2. Robinson, R. (ed.). 1577/1595. A record of auncient histories, entituled in Latin: Gesta Romanorum Discoursing vpon sundry examples for the aduancement of vertue, and the abandoning of vice. No lesse pleasant in reading, then profitable in practise. London: Thomas Est. Available at https://www.proquest.com/books/record-auncient-histories-entituled-latin-gesta/docview/2240922539/se-2
3. GR. 1510. Gesta Romanorum. London: Wynkyn de Worde. Available at https://www.proquest.com/books/gesta-romanorum/docview/2240939730/se-2