The goal of this study is to adapt the Teachers’ Ratings of Child Secure Base Behaviour and Emotion Regulation Scale into Turkish culture. The research group of the study included 295 children aged from 48 to 72 months. A total of 59 teachers participated in the adaptation study for the children. Data obtained were firstly used for confirmatory factor analysis in the scale validity test. According to the CFA results, a 28-item and two-factor structure of the scale was accepted with no need for any amendments. Strong significance was found between the reference scales and the scales on which the criterion-related validity test focused. The Cronbach’s alpha value of the scale was found to be .970 in the reliability test. A strong correlation was found between the two applications in the test re-test stage. The study findings reveal that the scale is a valid and reliable assessment tool for Turkish culture.
Kafkas Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitusu Dergisi
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