In June 2022, the Norwegian Expert Commission on Learning Analytics delivered an interim report to the Norwegian Minister of Education and Research. Motivated by the need to establish a solid foundation upon which to regulate and promote the use of learning analytics in the Norwegian educational sector, the Ministry asked the Expert Commission to investigate the relevant pedagogical, ethical, legal, and privacy issues. Addressing primary, secondary, higher, and vocational education, the interim report surveys the field of learning analytics and the regulatory environment across the contexts and analyzes its challenges and opportunities for Norwegian education. Four dilemmas — data, learning, governance, and competence — signal where greater knowledge, awareness, and reflection are needed, as well as the nature of necessary policy and regulatory choices. In this practical report, we offer insights on the use, development, and regulation of LA in different countries, describe the Expert Commission mandate, work method, and dilemmas, and conclude with a reflection on the relationship between research on learning analytics and the challenges that arise when implementing learning analytics in practice. This practical report is relevant for those interested in developing policies or practices surrounding the use of learning analytics at the local or national level.
Society for Learning Analytics Research