Negative Impacts of the High-Tech Implementation in the Russian Higher Education Sector


Stoletov A. I.1ORCID


1. Bashkir State Agrarian University


Introduction. The institute of education in modern society is currently in the process of  serious transformation associated with the large-scale introduction of high technologies,  which is due to a similar process in post-industrial society as a whole. There is a growing  understanding of the negative consequences of digitalization of society and education along  with the understanding of the objective necessity of such transformation. The article  contains an analysis of the negative consequences and problems arising in the course of the  spread of digitalization of higher education in Russia.  Methodology and sources. The methodology of the research is based on the methods of  comparative analysis and extrapolation of transformations of social environment and  anthropological factors under the influence of technological progress in the field of higher  education. The signs of “high technology poisoning” considered by J. Naisbitt in his book  “High Tech – High Touch: Technology and Our Search for Meaning” and the concept of  extensive and intensive types of creativity formulated by A.I. Stoletov are a conceptual basis  for analyzing the impact of high technology on education. Results and Discussion. Seven symptoms of technological poisoning in higher education,  representing the main risks of the modern educational system, their manifestations in the  educational process and prospects in case the existing trend persists, have been considered.  One of the sources of manifestation of these symptoms is the extensive character of creativity  inherent in scientific and technological activity of the society, which stakes on innovative  development and mastering of material aspects of nature. The technogenic character of the  emerging innovation process levels out the activities associated with the intensive type of  creativity, aimed at the meaning-creating and existential aspects of human existence. Conclusion. Minimization of negative consequences presupposes the strengthening of the  humanitarian component in education, allowing to form a culture of “pause of  contemplation” (Grigory Pomerantz), in which technology will acquire, as it was suggested  by J. Naisbitt himself, a fullness of meaning that goes beyond instrumental values into the  realm of ethical and existential ones.


St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University LETI







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