1. Deleuze, G. (1998), Difference and Repetition, Translated by N. B. Man'kovskaya, Petropolis, SPb., RUS.
2. Lavrova, S.V. (2013), «Logika smysla» novoi muzyki. Opyt strukturno-semioticheskogo analiza na primere tvorchestva Khel'muta Lakhenmanna i Sal'vatore Sharrino ["The logic of meaning" of new music. The experience of structural-semiotic analysis on the example of the works by Helmut Lachenmann and Salvatore Sciarrino], Saint-Petersburg State University, SPb., RUS.
3. Williams, J. (2012), "Difference and Repetition", The Cambridge companion to Deleuze, in Smith, D. and Somers-Hall, H. (eds.), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, UK, pp. 33-54. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/CCO9780511753657.
4. Hughes, J. (2009), Deleuze's Difference and Repetition. A Reader's Guide, Continuum, N.Y., London, UK.
5. Deleuze, G. (1985), Cinema2. L'lmage-temps, Les Editions de Minuit, Paris, FRA.