Selection of the Material for the Sensitive Elements of SAW-based Accelerometers


Shevchenko S. Yu.1ORCID,Mikhailenko D. A.1ORCID,Lukyanov D. P.1


1. Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University


Introduction. At the present, sensors based on surface acoustic waves (SAW) is a rapidly developing direction and a promising replacement for classical sensors, especially in those areas where long-term performance of latter is questionable. The principle of operation of SAW sensors is based on acoustic vibrations, therefore, the choice of piezoelectric material of а console, considering external influences on a future device and its operating conditions, is the most important task. Currently, many monocrystalline structures and their sections have been synthesized and created for the devices using SAW. The main materials used for the manufacture of substrates are crystals of quartz (SiO2), lithium niobate (LiNbO3), lithium tantalate (LiTaO3) and film aluminum nitride (AlN). Also, new crystal structures: langasite (La3Ga5SiO14), langatate (La3Ga5.5Ta0.5O14), langanite and others were produced. The problem of using such materials for the manufacture of consoles is the lack of systematized data on important characteristics for the propagation of surfactants, for example, the elasticity tensor of the 4th rank. One of the key problems for the further development of SAW-based sensors is the one-way fastening of rectangular and triangular sensitive elements (SE) in sensor housing. In order to overcome the above drawback an MMA surfactant thing based on a membrane SE for a more uniform distribution of a load over the surface of the SE was proposed.Aim. To show the advantages of using AlN as the SE material of a ring wave resonator on SAW.Materials and methods. The theoretical part of the research was carried out using the finite element method. Mathematical processing was implemented in AutoCAD 2019 and in COMSOL Multiphysics 5.4.Results. The use of AlN, which acts as the SE material for measuring an acceleration based on SAW was proposed. The proposed solution was compared with existing prototypes based on the use of SiO2 / LiNbO3 membranes, which were characterized by strong anisotropic properties. A 3D model of the SE of a ring wave resonator on surface waves was created. Using computer simulations and COMSOL Multiphysics software, it was shown that the thing was capable to withstand exposures in excess of 10 000 g, and an isotropic AlN sensor overcomed the limitations of both the low sensitivity of SiO2 and the low temperature stability of LiNbO3. AlN demonstrated almost double resistance to irreversible mechanical deformations as compared to SiO2, which, in turn, allows an additional 1.5-fold increase in sensitivity compared to quartz – based sensors.Conclusion. Based on the data obtained by the modeling, it can be concluded that the use of AIN as SE material is promising, especially for measuring high acceleration values, but with restrictions on temperature sensitivity of the material.


St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University LETI

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