Pesticides Misused for Bed Bug Control: Comparing Professional and Nonprofessional Applications Reported to the National Pesticide Information Center, 2013–2017


Strid April1,Leytem Alicia1,Perez Josean1,Buhl Kaci1,Cross Amy1


1. The authors are with the National Pesticide Information Center, Department of Environmental and Molecular Toxicology, Oregon State University, Corvallis. Kaci Buhl is also with the Pesticide Safety Education Program, Oregon State University Extension Service, Corvallis.


Objectives. To compare outcomes when pesticides are used to control bed bugs by professionals and nonprofessionals. Methods. All US National Pesticide Information Center inquiries from 2013 to 2017 were assessed to identify scenarios involving bed bugs and pesticide applications. Cases were evaluated with respect to types of applicators, misapplications, and human pesticide exposures. Results. Misapplications were more than twice as likely to be reported in cases involving nonprofessional applications (14%) as in cases involving professional applications (5%). Human exposures to pesticides were reported more often when pesticides were misapplied (70%) than when there were no apparent misapplications (31%). Conclusions. Both professionals and nonprofessionals may misuse pesticides to control bed bugs, which may increase the risks of exposure and adverse outcomes. Policy interventions may reduce pesticide incidents related to bed bug control by promoting professional involvement and adherence to product label instructions.


American Public Health Association


Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health

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