Teachers’ Views on Work Values, Employee Performance and Ethical Climate




1. Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi



This research aimed to determine high school teachers’ views on work values, employee performance and ethical climate and to examine the relationship between these views. The population of the research consisted of 285 teachers employed in Bolu province central district high schools in the 2020-2021 academic year. Work Values Scale, Employee Performance Scale and Ethical Climate Scale were used as data collection tools in this study conducted with the survey model. Standard deviation, mean and Pearson Correlation analysis were performed as data analysis. According to the findings, teachers selected “Agree” regarding work values, employee performance and ethical climate. Significant moderate positive relationships were found between Employee Performance Scale and Work Values Scale and its sub-dimensions, between Ethical Climate Scale and Work Values Scale and its sub-dimensions, and between Employee Performance scale and Ethical Climate Scale. Based on the research results, it can be suggested to enrich the educational settings where teachers can implement work values with determination in line with the principles they have adopted. For this purpose, administrators’ rewarding teacher behaviors related to work values by emphasizing their contribution to their professional performance in board meetings and in the teachers' room will increase the frequency of these behaviors at the school and teachers’ level of awareness about these issues will improve. It can also be suggested to include courses during internships and in-service trainings to increase teachers' sensitivity to the ethical climate created in the school.


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General Medicine

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