1. National Center for Statistics and Analysis (NCSA) ?Fatalities and Injuries to 0?8 Year Old Passenger Vehicle Occupants Based on Impact Attributes? DOT-HS-809-410, Technical Report, NHTSA, March 2002 .
2. National Center for Statistics and Analysis (NCSA) ?Traffic Safety Facts 2000? DOT-HS-809-324, NHTSA, March 2002 .
3. Transport Canada ?Canadian Motor Vehicle Traffic Collision Statistics 2000? TP 3322, December 2001 .
4. Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), the Hybrid III Family Web Site: http://www.highwaysafety.org/vehicle_ratings/dummies.htm, Visited Sept. 02.
5. First Technology Safety Systems (FTSS), the Dummy Models website: http://www.ftss.com/pcat/products.cfm?pcat=h3-5f&class=1&x=500&y=965, Visited Sept. 02.