On the possibility of detection and classification of noise sources based on analysis of their trajectories at the output of adaptive spatial processing


Malyshkin G. S.1


1. State Research Center of the Russian Federation "Concern CSRI Elektropribor", JSC


To detect and classify objects, the source trajectories detected in the process of hydroacoustic observation are used, which contain information about the measured parameters of objects, which are their classification attributes. The analysis of these attributes allows to make a decision about the class of the observed object, for example, a surface or underwater source. As the measured object parameters are used their energy characteristics, parameters of the observed trajectory (bearing, speed of change in bearing and other possible trajectory parameters). In this case, the correctness and speed of the decision on classification depends on the quantity and quality of used classification signs, which are determined by both parameters of the observed object, and the features of sound propagation from the source to the observation device.For signal detection and resolution, we further consider fast projective adaptive algorithms, the use of which, as applied to the problems of in-situ experimental signal detection was considered in [1], [4]. The goal of this class of algorithms is to provide a high probability of detection and accurate measurement of the parameters of the source trajectories under the conditions of a model of multi-beam propagation and scattering in the real ocean environment [5]-[8]. The proposed work is a continuation of the work [1], [4], and aims to ensure the use of experimental field data not only for detection, but also for the classification of the observed sources.The subject of the study are the results of the full-scale experiment of hydroacoustic noise direction finding, given earlier and described in detail in [1], [4]. For the experiment was used antenna of L = 56 vertical daisy chains (of 10 elements each), equidistantly spaced horizontally. The antenna was installed at a depth of 200 meters in the coastal marine zone of the coastal wedge near the shipping lanes. The elements of the flat antenna were affected by signals from surface ships moving ncontrollably in the observation area and one underwater source.A singular decomposition of sampled antenna element data was used to construct adaptive algorithms. Modification of the initial results of singular decomposition allows to create algorithms that provide priority conditions for extraction of separate components of the observed (e. g., weakest) signals when constructing direction finding terrain.In this regard, in addition to the non-adaptive direction finding relief, it is proposed to form three variants of direction finding relief, each of which solves part of the general problem of selection and classification of individual varieties of observed signals:– Initial, corresponding to the energy of the signals of the input sample with amplified components of the weakest signals (overview algorithm);– direction finding relief, which uses an algorithm to detect weak and scattered signals;– direction finding terrain, which highlights the coherent components of signals.Analysis of the trajectories of more than 30 sources in the episode of two hours and forty minutes has been carried out, which increased the reliability of the detection and measurement accuracy of the parameters of the observed objects. Joint analysis of the trajectories of sources based on different variants of the bearing relief allowed to improve the conditions for the detection of weak signals and to make classification decisions using the classification attribute of the width of the area of fluctuations of the surface target trajectory for signals with a strong scattered component.


Saint-Petersburg Research Center of the Russian Academy of Science


Geophysics,Condensed Matter Physics,Water Science and Technology,Oceanography

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