In this study, the historical development of multinational corporations, which have held significant positions in both the global economy and international relations since their inception, is examined, along with the roles they have played in intergovernmental relations. The aim of the study is to reach a conclusion by conducting an analysis of the content found in the literature and examining the findings and data through a content analysis method. In parallel, this study attempts to reach its conclusions by examining the regional policies of the United States and China alongside the activities of multinational corporations in the region. Additionally, the study provides examples of the impact of multinational corporations on international relations by considering high-impact capacity actors such as Apple, Huawei, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, ZTE, and SMIC. Moreover, this study attempts to understand the positions of these actors in the struggle for hegemony by comparing them through the SWOT analysis method. Comprehensive research and findings indicate that multinational corporations still play a significant role in international relations today. These corporations serve not only as negotiation tools and sources of sanctions for nation-states but also play an active role in shaping the strategic and covert foreign policy decisions of states, contributing to their direction. Therefore, this study aims to understand how effective multinational corporations are in the world and in the context of international relations, where the United States and China stand in the struggle for hegemony, and the consequences they have on the political system.
Uluslararası İlişkiler Çalışmaları Derneği - TUİÇ
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